Friday, September 19, 2008


Welcome to the V side! I am your hostess Lady V from the D. You will find honesty, integrity, bluntness, laughter, and hope; all served up with a hearty dose of realness. Feel free to step into my world but be who you are. Aren't you tired of fakes? Then step into reality! It is an interesting facet of human nature that the majority of people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. I celebrate the extreme differences in people and encourage you to join in the festivities. Don't like the goverment? Confused about the election? WONDERING WHY LARGE CORPORATIONS GETA BAILOUT WHILE THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN FOOD AND MEDICINE? Then COMMENT!!! But keep it real! There are thousands of interesting stories out there; I want to hear them! But I caution you, the V side is a land of emotions: light and dark swirled into a vast field of disturbia dotted with oasis' of hope. Come into my world and make yourself welcome; bring a friend if you like. But if it becomes tooo real go gently into your own good night!